Building, tuning, racing IOM and radio Model Yachts
Welcome to Barrow's unique information site for radio sailing.
If you are looking to get into radio sailing, improve your performance or learn about building and setting up these tricky boats, then this is the site for you. Boat building, setting up the boats, maximising sailing performance and much much more. Either click on a heading or search for something generically using the search box.
Using a mobile, the menu is accessed by clicking on the three horizontal lines at the top of the screen.
Please note that this is a members only site so sign up when asked to get access to the best radio sailing content on the web. Click on any of the restricted tabs to get to the sign up page. It only asks for a name and email address. The privacy policy can be accessed at the bottom of the page. The About, Useful websites and more tabs are available to view as a taster.
I hope you enjoy site. Please send me a message if you want anything added or researched.
What will you find:
About - Explains why I created the site, who its for and a bit about me
Blog - As I come across ideas or sail in events, I put articles and reports in here
Useful websites - This is a list of all the sites I identified in my journey to build and race boats
The classes - Include building, setting up and racing IOM's, DF65, DF95 and Marbleheads
Racing tips - There is a lot packed into here for new and a new section for advanced skippers
More - My race schedule, results, reference books, advice for new entrants and acknowledgements
Look on this site as a text book for all things radio sailing.